Chapter 17: Wellbeing in Mental Health Care

1. What is a flourishing score on the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale? 

  1. Between 14 and 41
  2. In the range 42–59
  3. 60 and over
  4. 65

Answer: C

2. Who founded the Wellbeing Programme at the LSE Centre for Economic Performance?

  1. Richard Bentall
  2. Aaron Beck
  3. Richard Wilkinson
  4. Richard Layard

Answer: D

3. Which is not associated with the derivation of the WEMWBS?

  1. Wellbeing as more than the absence of mental illness
  2. Wellbeing as feeling good
  3. Wellbeing as functioning well
  4. Spiritual dimensions of wellbeing 

Answer: D

4. What is not an aspect of thinking dialectically? 

  1. A commitment to absolute truth
  2. Synthesis
  3. Thesis (one pole of two opposites)
  4. Anti-thesis (the opposite pole to the thesis)

Answer: A

5. Which is not a consequence of uncritical use of resilience as an organising term?

  1. Blaming individuals for society’s problems
  2. Failing systems are not challenged or reviewed
  3. A lack of support is unacknowledged
  4. Medical models are undermined

Answer: D

6. Which is not a fundamental component of wellbeing? 

  1. Sleeping well
  2. Taking time to relax and socialise with others
  3. Having no sense of purpose 
  4. Eating healthily

Answer: C

7. What is not one of the Office for National Statistics (2015) key ‘objective’ factors in considering wellbeing? 

  1. Pofessed religion/faith
  2. Place of resisdence
  3. Education and skills
  4. The economy

Answer: A