Chapter 6: Diversity issues within mental health care

1. A culturally competent mental health service

  1. Reduces costs
  2. Decreases waiting times
  3. Improves health outcomes
  4. Reduces stress and burnout in the workforce 

Answer: C

2. Which of the following is most influential in determining health beliefs and practices?

  1. Individual factors
  2. Cultural factors
  3. Interpersonal factors
  4. All of the above are equally influential

Answer: B

3. Which of the following phases of women’s lives are factors that may increase their risk of developing mental illness?

  1. Puberty
  2. Breastfeeding or weaning
  3. Perimenopause
  4. All of the above factors are influential

Answer: D

4. Which of the following maybe barriers that BME groups may encounter when accessing mental health services?

  1. Language
  2. Not registered with a GP
  3. Reluctance to accept Western medication
  4. All of the above are potential barriers

Answer: D

5. What cultural considerations does the nurse caring for an older South Asian woman you need to be aware of?

  1. Limit eye contact with her
  2. Stand close to her
  3. Leave her alone for long periods
  4. Not to shake hands with her

Answer: D

6. A person who identifies with the gender that they were assigned at birth is known as ___.

  1. Trans
  2. Non-binary
  3. Heterosexual
  4. Cisgender

Answer: D

7. Which of the following interventions may make LGBT patients feel more comfortable in a clinical environment?

  1. Ensuring that everyone is treated as if they are heterosexual
  2. Ensuring that you do not discuss the patient’s sexuality or gender identity
  3. Ensuring that you provide LGBT-specific health promotion literature on notice boards
  4. Ensuring that you attribute their mental health problems as being ‘caused by’ their sexuality or gender identity

Answer: C