""" Programming in Python for Social Science Phillip Brooker 5. 3. 2. DICTIONARIES AND DICTIONARY METHODS EXERCISE """ #EXERCISE: #(1) Write a dictionary (with your name as the variable name) that stores your #following attributes: #Date of birth #Place of birth #Favourite TV show #Favourite film #(2) Add a key and value to your dictionary denoting your favourite band or #artist. Use ONLY dictionary methods to do this. #(3) Delete the "Place of birth" field and replace it with one called "Current #residence" - put the town you currently live in as the value. #(4) Create an empty dictionary in a variable titled the name of your favourite #album by your favourite band/artist. #(5) Within this new dictionary, use dictionary methods to populate the #dictionary with the following keys (and give them values): #Year of release #Number of tracks #Do steps (4) and (5) for two or three albums by that band. #(6) Add these albums to a new dictionary called "favourite albums". Use ONLY #dictionary methods to do this. #(7) Write "favourite_albums" into your original dictionary (the one with your #name as the variable name), under the key "Favourite albums". #(8) See if you can call specific single bits of information in your big #dictionary of dictionaries using keys - what is your favourite film? What's #the year of release of one of your favourite albums? #(9) See if you can print out the keys and values of your big dictionary.