""" Programming in Python for Social Science Phillip Brooker 7. 1. 2. CLASSES EXERCISE """ """ EXERCISE: 1) Create a class for academic books you have read in your studies, which can record various reference attributes (i.e. author name, year of publication, title, publisher location and publisher name) as well as a string of the variable name you're using for each entry. NOTE: let's just stick with books as a publication format, and with single- authored books at that. This just keeps things simple. 2) Within this class, create a class list which can store tuples of variable name, author names and titles of each book you input, so you can keep a track of all the things you read and keep a catalogue of which variables those entries are stored under. 3) Create some entries - at least 5. 4) Build a method (i.e. a function) into the class for printing out references in full Harvard format. 5) Find out (with relevant programming methods) how many entries are written by a particularly favourite author. """