* Encoding: UTF-8. *** use the data file for HOCS 2007-08*** WEIGHT off. USE ALL. Freq ethnic relig. MISSING VALUES ethnic relig (). CROSSTABS /TABLES=Ethnic BY Relig /FORMAT=AVALUE TABLES /CELLS=COUNT /COUNT ROUND CELL. compute ethrelig = 99. If (ethnic = 4) and (relig = 1 ) ethrelig = 1. If (ethnic = 12) and (relig = 1 ) ethrelig = 1. If (ethnic = 5) and (relig = 1 ) ethrelig = 2. If (ethnic = 13) and (relig = 1 ) ethrelig = 2. If (ethnic = 6) and (relig = 1 ) ethrelig = 3. If (ethnic = 8) and (relig = 1 ) ethrelig = 3. If (ethnic = 9) and (relig = 1 ) ethrelig = 3. If (ethnic = 10) and (relig = 1 ) ethrelig = 3. If (ethnic = 11) and (relig = 1 ) ethrelig = 3. If (ethnic = 8) and (relig = 3 ) ethrelig = 4. If (ethnic = 8) and (relig = 6 ) ethrelig = 5. If (ethnic = 8) and (relig = 5 ) ethrelig = 6. If (ethnic = 9) and (relig = 5 ) ethrelig = 7. If (ethnic = 10) and (relig = 5 ) ethrelig = 8. If (ethnic = 13) and (relig = 5 ) ethrelig = 9. If (ethnic = 5) and (relig = 5 ) ethrelig = 9. if (ethnic lt 4) and (relig = 1) ethrelig = 10. if (ethnic lt 4) and (relig = 8) ethrelig = 10. VALUE LABELS ethrelig 1 "Caribbean Ch" 2 "Africa Ch" 3 "Asian Ch" 4 "Indian Hindu" 5 "Indian Sikh" 6 "Indian Muslim" 7 "Paki Muslim" 8 "Bang Muslim" 9 "Africa Muslim" 10 "white Ch or no relig" 99 "Other". MISSING VALUES ethrelig (10, 99). freq ethrelig. freq febrit sbegb dualid. freq hcoba. recode hcoba (1 thru 5 = 1) (-9 = -9) (ELSE = 0) into birth. MISSING VALUES birth (-9). VALUE LABELS birth 0 "non UK" 1 "UK". freq birth. MISSING VALUES yinact dvilo3a (). cross yinact by dvilo3a. compute ecact = 9. if (dvilo3a ne 3) ecact = dvilo3a. if (dvilo3a eq 3) and (yinact = 1) ecact = 3. if (dvilo3a eq 3) and (yinact = 2) ecact = 4. if (dvilo3a eq 3) and (yinact = 3) ecact = 5. if (dvilo3a eq 3) and (yinact = 4) ecact = 6. if (dvilo3a eq 3) and (yinact = 5) ecact = 7. if (dvilo3a eq 3) and (yinact = 6) ecact = 8. VALUE LABELS ecact 1 "empl" 2 "unempl" 3 "student" 4 "LAFH" 5 "temp sick" 6 "long sick" 7 "retd" 8 "other". missing values ecact (9). freq ecact. freq rdis01 to rdis16. count discrim = rdis01 to rdis16 (1). recode discrim (0 = 0) (ELSE = 1). value labels discrim 0 "no discrim exp" 1 "some discrim exp". freq discrim. weight by wtfinds. CROSSTABS /TABLES=febrit sbegb dualid rsex discrim ecact BY ethrelig /FORMAT=AVALUE TABLES /CELLS=COUNT COLUMN /COUNT ASIS. COMPUTE filter_$=(ethrelig lt 10). VARIABLE LABELS filter_$ 'ethrelig lt 10 (FILTER)'. VALUE LABELS filter_$ 0 'Not Selected' 1 'Selected'. FORMATS filter_$ (f1.0). FILTER BY filter_$. EXECUTE. SORT CASES BY ethrelig. SPLIT FILE SEPARATE BY ethrelig. freq dvilo3a yinact ecact. SPLIT FILE off. MEANS TABLES=DVAge BY ethrelig /CELLS=MEAN COUNT STDDEV. recode ecact (1 3 = 1) (8 5 2 = 2) (4 = 4) (6=6) (7=7) (9 97 thru 99 =9 ) into ecact2. VALUE LABELS ecact2 1 "empl" 2 "unempl" 4 "LAFH" 6 " sick" 7 "retd" 9 "missing". missing values ecact2 (9). freq ecact2. recode ecact2 (98 = 9). recode febrit sbegb dualid (1 2 =1) (3 4 = 0) (-9, -1, 5, SYSMIS =SYSMIS) into febdum1 sbdum1 dualdum1 . freq febdum1 to dualdum1. *** now use the data file for ESS3*** freq cntry. Missing values hlprtrn iphlppl atnoact hlpoth pplahlp pplhlp (). freq hlprtrn iphlppl atnoact hlpoth pplahlp pplhlp. Missing values iphlppl atnoact hlpoth pplahlp (6 thru 9). MIssing values hlprtrn (7 thru 9). Missing values pplhlp (66 thru 99). compute dpweight = dweight * pweight. compute popweight = pspwght * pweight. freq hlprtrn. WEIGHT BY dpweight. freq hlprtrn. WEIGHT off. WEIGHT BY popweight. freq hlprtrn. recode hlprtrn (1,2=2 ) (else = COPY) into hlprtrn2. missing values hlprtrn2 (7 8 9). CROSSTABS /TABLES=gndr BY hlprtrn2 /FORMAT=AVALUE TABLES /STATISTICS=CHISQ /CELLS=COUNT ROW /COUNT ASIS. WEIGHT off. CROSSTABS /TABLES=gndr BY hlprtrn2 /FORMAT=AVALUE TABLES /STATISTICS=CHISQ /CELLS=COUNT ROW /COUNT ASIS. WEIGHT BY dweight. CROSSTABS /TABLES=gndr BY hlprtrn2 BY cntry /FORMAT=AVALUE TABLES /STATISTICS=CHISQ /CELLS=COUNT ROW /COUNT ASIS. WEIGHT off. recode agea (15 thru 24 = 1) (25 thru 30=2) (31 thru 40=3) (41 thru 50=4) (51 thru 65=5) (66 thru 80=6) (ELSE = 9) into agegrp. CROSSTABS agea by agegrp. CROSSTABS /TABLES=agegrp BY hlprtrn /FORMAT=AVALUE TABLES /CELLS=COUNT ROW /COUNT ROUND CELL. WEIGHT BY popweight. CROSSTABS /TABLES=agegrp BY hlprtrn /FORMAT=AVALUE TABLES /CELLS=COUNT ROW /COUNT ROUND CELL. weight off. recode iphlppl (1,2 = 2) (3 4 5 6 = 3) (ELSE=COPY) into iphlppl2. VALUE LABELS iphlppl2 2 "value helper" 3 "not important". MISSING VALUES iphlppl2 (7 8 9). recode hlprtrn (1 2 = 2 ) (4 5 = 4) (else=COPY) into hlprtrn3. VALUE LABELS hlprtrn3 2 "agree/strongly" 3 "N.A.N.D." 4 "disagree/strongly". MISSING VALUES hlprtrn3 (7 8 9). CROSSTABS /TABLES= iphlppl2 BY hlprtrn3 /FORMAT=AVALUE TABLES /STATISTICS=CHISQ /CELLS=COUNT ROW /COUNT ASIS. WEIGHT BY popweight. CROSSTABS /TABLES= iphlppl2 BY hlprtrn3 /FORMAT=AVALUE TABLES /STATISTICS=CHISQ /CELLS= COUNT ROW /COUNT ASIS. WEIGHT off. CROSSTABS /TABLES= iphlppl2 BY hlprtrn3 /FORMAT=AVALUE TABLES /STATISTICS=CHISQ /CELLS= COUNT /COUNT ASIS.