$FL2@(#) SPSS DATA FILE MS Windows 17.0.0 $T&Y@15 Aug 1614:52:55 YEAR 3Gss year for this respondent SEX Respondents sex COHORT Birth CohortAGE Age of respondent RACE Race of respondent RACEBW Race of respondent (B/W)HISPANICHispanic? (can be of any race) REGION Region of interview SIZEPLACCity, suburb, town, rural MARITAL Marital status EVDIVORCEver been divorced or separated NUMKIDS Number of children DEGREE Rs highest degree INCOME Family income quintile, 2016 $ WORKING Labor force status OCCPRESTOccupational prestige BORNUSA Was r born in this country PARTYID  Political party affiliationPOLVIEWS(Think of self as liberal or conservativeRELIGIONRs religious preference FUNDLIB !How fundamentalist is r currently ATTENDCH&How often r attends religious services HAPPY General happiness HAPPYMARHappiness of marriage HEALTH Condition of health EXLIFE Is life exciting or dullOBEY Important to teach child to obeyPOPULAR )Important to teach child to be well-liked THNKSELF*Important to teach child to think for self WORKHARD%Important to teach child to work hard HELPOTH To help others OBEYTOP "Obey" in top 2 POPTOP "Popular" in top twoTHINKTOP"Think for self" in top two WORKTOP "Work hard" in top two HELPTOP "Help others" in top twoð?Male @Female ð?Lost @Silent @Boomers@Gen X @ Millenial ð?< 30 @30-45 @46-64 @>65 ð?White @Black @Other ð?White @Black ð? Not Hispan @Hispanic ð? Northeast @Midwest@South @West ð? City > 50K @Surburbs @ Town <50K @Rural  ð?Married@Widowed@Div_Sep@ Nev_Marry  ð?Yes @No  None ð?One @Two @3_or_4 @5_more  ð?not HS @HS @AA (JC)@BA / BS@Grad  ð?Lowest 5th (< $21,432) @2nd 5th (to $41,186) @Middle 5th (to $68,212)@4th 5th (to $112,262) @Top 5th (> $112,262) ð? Full_Time @ Part_Time @Not_Work @Retired@Keep_Hse ð? Bot_3rd<35 @Mid_3rd@ Top_3rd>47 ð?Yes @No ð?Democrat @ Independen @ Republican ð?Liberal@Moderate @ Conservati ð? Protestant @Catholic @Jewish @Other @None ð? Fundamenta @Moderate @Liberalð? Nev /