Chapter 1: Essentials of nursing: values, knowledge, skills and practice

1. What was the main principle on which the NHS was founded?

  1. Treatment should be free at the point of access.
  2. Treatment would be billed when you were discharged.
  3. Treatment costs were means tested.
  4. Treatment would be free to over 65s.

Answer: A

2. When was legislation enacted for nursing to become an all graduate profession in England?

  1. 1919
  2. 1948
  3. 2000
  4. 2010

Answer: D

3. Your professional profile/portfolio is a tool to develop your skills of ______.

  1. critical awareness, professionalism, clinical competence, rational decision making
  2. critical awareness, reflective practice, rational decision making and clinical judgement
  3. academic writing, clinical decision making, professional competence, reflective awareness
  4. clinical decision making, reflective practice, health promotion, patient education

Answer: B

4. The Code (NMC, 2015) is informed by four ethical principles which are…?

  1. do good, do no harm, justice, autonomy
  2. do well, do no harm, be judgemental, autonomy
  3. do good, do no harm, be judgemental, autocracy
  4. do well, do no harm, justice, aristocracy

Answer: A

5. The six Cs are ______.

  1. competence, care, candour, critique, compassion, command
  2. care, courage, corporate, compassion, candour, competence
  3. competence, communication, care, compassion, courage, commitment
  4. confidence, competence, communication, care, compassion, commitment

Answer: C