Chapter 9: Developing practice and managing change

1. What are the key drivers for change?

  1. quality, resources and patient safety
  2. staff, policies, targets
  3. managers, resources and targets
  4. patient safety, staff needs and resources

Answer: A

2. What are the 3 main components of clinical governance?

  1. quality indicators (QI), audit and patient-reported outcome measures (PROMS)
  2. patient experience, clinical benchmarking and audit
  3. patient safety, quality indicators and clinical guidelines
  4. clinical effectiveness, patient safety, patient experience

Answer: D

3. When attempting to make improvements using the SMART framework you should ensure that your goals are ______.

  1. specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, timely
  2. specific, measureable, aimed, recorded, targeted
  3. subjective, manageable, achieved, reported, timely
  4. specific, manageable, attainable, recorded and timely

Answer: A

4. The PDSA cycle is advocated for use by the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement when attempting to test new change ideas on a small scale. What do the letters PDSA stand for?

  1. prepare, disseminate, select and assess
  2. plan, direct, select and achieve
  3. plan, do, study and act
  4. prepare, direct, study and assess

Answer: C

5. Which of the following tools can help you to identify the driving and restraining forces that may impact upon any proposed change?

  1. cause and effect fishbone
  2. Lewin’s force field analysis
  3. SBAR tool
  4. root cause analysis

Answer: B

6. According to Solberg et al. (1997), what are the 3 characteristics of performance measurement?

  1. improvement, audit and research
  2. audit, research and accountability
  3. audit, research and improvement
  4. improvement, accountability and research

Answer: D