Chapter 11: Caring for the older person

Journal Article 11.1: Band-Winterstein, T. (2013) ‘Health care provision for older persons: the interplay between ageism and elder neglect,’ Journal of Applied Gerontology, 34(3): NP113-127.

Description: This study explores the link between neglect and ageism in health care provision for older persons.


Journal Article 11.2: Clemson, L., Mackenzie, L., Ballinger, C., Close, J.C.T., Cumming, R.G. (2008) ‘Environmental interventions to prevent falls in community-dwelling older people: a meta-analysis of randomized trials,’ Journal of Aging and Health, 20(8): 954-971.

Description: This study seeks to determine the efficacy of environmental interventions in reducing falls in community-dwelling older people.


Journal Article 11.3: Murray, L.M. and Boyd, S. (2009) ‘Protecting personhood and achieving quality of life for older adults with dementia in the U.S. health care system,’ Journal of Aging and Health, 21(2): 350-373.

Description: This article examines the health disparities among older adults with dementia, emphasizing the protection of personhood and quality of life, along with a review of the barriers to health care access and utilization of persons living with dementia.


Journal Article 11.4: Frye, B., Scheinthal, S., Kemarskaya, T. and Pruchno, R. (2007) ‘Tai Chi and low impact exercise: effects on the physical functioning and psychological well-being of older people,’ Journal of Applied Gerontology, 26(5): 433-453.

Description: This study compares the effects of tai chi (TC) and low impact exercise (LIE) interventions on physical functioning and psychological well-being of sedentary older people


Recommended readings

Journal Article 11.5: NHS England (2014) Safe, Compassionate Care for Frail Older People Using an Integrated Care Pathway: practical Guidance for Commissioners, Providers and Nursing, Medical and Allied Health Professional Leaders. NHS England (South): Devon, Cornwall & Isles of Scilly.

Description: This document summarizes the evidence of the effects of an integrated pathway of care for older people and suggests how a pathway can be commissioned effectively using levers and incentives across providers. Provides practice guidance for commissioners, providers and nursing, medical and allied health professional leaders to ensure the delivery of safe, compassionate care for frail older people using an integrated care pathway.