Chapter 14: Caring for the critically ill adult

Journal Article 14.1: Bleakley, G. (2017) ‘Understanding brainstem death testing,’ British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 13(4): 172-177.

Description: This paper encourages critical care practitioners to embrace organ and tissue donation as a normal part of end of life care


Journal Article 14.2: Freeman, S. (2011) ‘Care of adult patients with a temporary tracheostomy,’ Nursing Standard, 26(2): 49-56. doi:10.7748/ns2011.

Description: This article aims to explore the evidence relating to the nursing care required for a patient with a temporary tracheostomy in a critical care or acute ward setting. It focuses on the insertion of a tracheostomy as a planned intervention to improve or enable patient recovery, rather than an emergency procedure for airway obstruction.


Journal Article 14.3: Higginson, R., Jones, B., and Davies, K. (2013) ‘Emergency and intensive care: assessing and managing the airway,’ British Journal of Nursing, 20(16): 970-977.

Description: This paper discusses the importance and practicalities of airway management and assessment in the emergency and intensive care.


Journal Article 14.4: Kean, S. (2014) ‘How do intensive care nurses perceive families in intensive care? Insights from the United Kingdom and Australia,’ Journal of Clinical Nursing, 23(5-6): 663-672. doi:10.1111/jocn.12195. Epub 2013 Jul 27

Description: This paper seeks to compare how intensive care nurses in the UK and Australia perceive families in intensive care units.