Chapter 16: Transition into professional nursing practice

Journal Article 16.1: Sparacino, L.L. (2016) ‘Faculty’s role in assisting new graduate Nurses’ adjustment to practice,’ SAGE Open Nursing, 2(9): 1-9.

Description: The purpose of this research was to identify nursing faculty behaviors that reduced the stress and anxiety experienced by new graduate nurses as they transcended from the role of student to professional registered nurse. The researchers propose us of the ‘beginning theory’ is to provide guidance for nursing faculty as they prepare students for professional practice.


Journal Article 16.2: Mccusker, C. (2013) ‘Preceptorship: professional development and support for newly registered practitioners,’ Journal of Peri-operative Practice, 23(12): 283-287.

Description: This article outlines the various aspects of preceptorship for nurses, midwives and specialist community public health nurses in Northern Ireland. It is hoped that the elements within it have transferability across other healthcare professions. The article will help the reader understand where preceptorship fits within a professional development and support continuum.


Journal Article 16.3: Sparacino, L.L. (2016) ‘Faculty’s role in assisting new graduate nurses’ adjustment to practice,’ SAGE Open Nursing, 2: 1-9.

Description: The purpose of this research was to identify nursing faculty behaviours that reduced the stress and anxiety experienced by new graduate nurses as they transcended from the role of student to professional registered nurse


Recommended readings

Journal Article: 16.4: Boychuk Duscher, J.E. (2009) ‘Transitional shock: the initial stage of role adaptation for newly graduated Registered Nurses,’ Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65(5): 1103-1113. doi/epdf/10.1111/j.1365-2648.2008.04898.x

Description: The aim of this paper is to provide a theoretical framework of the initial role transition for newly graduated nurses to assist managers, educators and seasoned practitioners to support and facilitate this professional adjustment appropriately.


Book Chapter 16.1: Darvill, A., Stephens, M. and Leigh, J. (2018) Transition to Nursing Practice: From Student to Registered Nurse. London: Sage.

Description: Covering a range of topics including accountability, professionalism, re-validation and fitness to practice, this text gives you a thorough overview of the responsibilities associated with being a fully qualified nurse.  The book starts by helping you to assess your current level of practice and identify any areas requiring additional attention, allowing you to get the most from your final year of training and enter the workplace with confidence.


Book Chapter 16.2: Whitehead, B. and Brown, M. (2017) Transition to Nursing – Preparation for Practice. London: Open University Press.

Description: This book provides you with toolkit of advice to help you to deal with challenges you’ll face and prepare you with an understanding of what the University and he NMC will be looking for.