Foundations of Adult Nursing
Chapter 2: Nursing therapeutics
Journal Article 2.1: Kinchen, E. (2014) ‘Development of a quantitative measure of holistic nursing care’, Journal of Holistic Nursing, 33(3): 238-246.
Description: Explores the concept of holistic care as a defining attribute of nursing practice and critically reviews the applicability of the Holistic Caring Inventory.
Journal Article 2.2: Hardy, S. (2015) ‘Perspectives: Is health and social care person centred? Hello, my name is not enough,’ Journal of Research in Nursing, 20(6): 517-522.
Description: Opinion Paper focusing on differing perspectives and the challenges of providing true ‘person-centred’ care.
Description: Guidelines for implementing culturally competent nursing care
Journal Article 2.4: Hanley, M., Coppa, D. and Shields, D. (2017) A practice-based theory of healing through therapeutic touch: advancing holistic nursing practice. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 35(4): 369-381.
Description: This narrative explores the development of a practice-based theory of healing through TT, which occurred between 2010 and 2016.
Journal Article 2.5: Tehraninesha, B., Rakhshan, M., Toabizadeh, C. and Fararonei, M. (2015) Nurses, patients and family care givers perception of compassionate nursing care,’ Nursing Ethics, 1-14.
Description: The purpose of this study was to identify and describe compassionate nursing care based on the experiences of nurses, patients, and family caregivers.
Description: This study explores the concept of spiritual care within an emergency care unit.
Journal Article 2.7: Rowe, J. and Patterson, J. (2010) ‘Culturally competent communication with refugees,’ Home Health Care Management & Practice, 22(5): 334–338.
Description: This article explores the role of cultural competency for those who provide health care services to refugees. It also provides practical tips to improve cross-cultural communication and navigate the language barriers that occur when working with refugee populations.
Recommended readings
Journal Article 2.8: Greenhalgh, T. and Heath, I. (2010) Measuring Quality in the Therapeutic Relationship. London: The Kings Fund.
Description: An inquiry into the development of therapeutic relationships (TR) which concludes that whilst TR are a complex, inter-subjective and dynamic phenomenon that cannot be fully captured objectively or reduced to a set of competences or behaviours, provides a preliminary ‘checklist for reflection’, which we hope will help practitioners develop formative insights into the quality of their therapeutic relationships and prompt educators and policymakers to look beyond tick-box approaches to developing and incentivizing quality in this area.