Chapter 7: Clinical decision making

Journal Article 7.1: Levett-Jones, T., Hoffman, K., Dempsey, J., Yeung, S.M.S., Noble, D., Norton, C.A., Roche, J., Hickey, N. (2010), The ‘five rights’ of clinical reasoning: an educational model to enhance nursing students’ ability to identify and manage clinically ‘at risk’ patients,’ Nurse Education Today, 30(6): 515-520. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2009.10.020 (not freely available online)

Description: Provides an outline of an educational model that has the potential to enhance nursing students’ clinical reasoning skills and consequently their ability to manage ‘at risk’ patients.


Journal Article 7.2: Hepgul, N., Kodate, N., Anderson, J.E., Henderson, M., Ranjith, G., Hotopf, M. and Pariante, C.M. (2012) ‘Understanding clinical risk decision making regarding development of depression during interferon-alpha treatment for hepatitis-C: a qualitative interview study,’ International Journal of Nursing Studies, 49: 1480-1488.

Description: This study aimed to gain an in-depth understanding of staff experience of, and attitudes towards, the identification and monitoring of interferon-alpha-induced-depression and the decision-making process concerning the use of liaison psychiatry and other clinical services.


Journal Article 7.3: Manias, E., Aitken, R. and Dunning, T. (2004) ‘Decision-making models used by ‘graduate nurses’ managing patients’ medications,’ Journal of Advanced Nursing, 47(3): 270-278. doi/pdf/10.1111/j.1365-2648.2004.03091.x.

Description: Reports the findings of a study that sought to answer the following questions: What are the barriers that impede graduate nurses’ clinical judgement in their medication management activities? How do contextual issues impact on graduate nurses’ medication management activities? The decision‐making models considered were: hypothetico‐deductive reasoning, pattern recognition and intuition.


Journal Article 7.4: Vaismoradi, M., Salsali, M. and Ahmadi, F. (2011) ‘Nurses’ experiences of uncertainty in clinical practice: a descriptive study,’ Journal of Advanced Nursing, 67(5), 991-999. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2010.05547.x.

Description: A report of a qualitative descriptive study of nurses’ experiences of uncertainty in clinical practice.


Journal Article 7.5: Gillespie, M. and Paterson, B.L. (2009) ‘Helping novice nurses make effective clinical decisions: The situated clinical decision-making framework,’ Nursing Education Perspectives, 164-170.

Description: The Situated Clinical Decision-Making framework is presented as providing a structured approach to analysing students’ and novice nurses’ decision-making abilities in practice.


Book Chapter 7.1: Coulter, A. and Collins, A. (2011) Making Shared Decision – Making a Reality (No Decision Without Me). London: The Kings Fund.

Description: Provides the evidence for the benefits of shared decision-making and practical support in implementing it.


Book Chapter 7.2: Holland, K. and Roberts, D. (2013) Nursing: Decision-Making Skills for Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Description: Decision-Making Skills for Practice is an essential guide for student nurses that prepares them to make effective decisions on the ward and in the community.