Foundations of Adult Nursing
Chapter 9: Developing practice and managing change
Journal Article 9.1: Varkey, P. and Antonio, K. (2010) ‘Change management for effective quality improvement: a primer,’ American Journal of Medical Quality, 25(4): 268-273.
Description: This paper provides an overview of the steps to design and execute QI projects that require change management. Key steps for successful change management include assessing readiness for change, establishing a sense of urgency, assembling the steering team, developing an implementation plan, executing a pilot, disseminating change, and anchoring the change within the organization.
Description: A paper investigating the possibility of safely and lawfully employing a sustainable reduce, reuse, recycle philosophy in the management of waste within healthcare settings.
Description: This article aims to clarify the concept of change fatigue and deems further exploration of the concept within the discipline of nursing is relevant and necessary
Description: This article reviews the literature on the association between patient experiences and other measures of health care quality
Journal Article 9.5: Daultani, Y., Chaudhuri, A. and Kumar, S. (2015) A decade of Lean in healthcare: current state and future directions,’ Global Business Review, 16(6): 1082–1099.
Description: This article aims to map the current state of lean in healthcare and identify future research directions.
Recommended readings
Book Chapter 9.1: Parkin, P. (2009) Managing Change in Health Care. London: Sage.
Description: Managing Change in Healthcare: Using Action Research is suitable for learners and experienced practitioners and looks at the leadership, interpersonal, and management skills needed to manage such change effectively within multi-professional healthcare settings.
Book Chapter 9.2: Hayes, J. (2018) The Theory and Practice of Change Management, 5th edn. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
Description: Provides future managers with all the skills they need to diagnose the need for change and to ensure its successful implementation. Views change as a purposeful and constructed sequence of events, rather than something chaotic and unmanageable. The book's hands-on approach includes a number of ‘Change Tools’ that students can apply to various scenarios, an array of case studies and examples based on real-life organizations worldwide, and video interviews with experienced change practitioners, who share their insights on key topics.