Answer 28.1
Case study 28.1
Possible answer to: What has been the impact of John’s illness on Mary’s life?
One way the impact can be seen is to view it from psychological, physical and social perspectives. These include:
- Burden of caring for John.
- Conflict between Mary and her husband.
- Conflict between Mary and John.
- Increased stress.
- Increased safety concerns.
- Reduced access to support to reduce stress.
- Internal stigmatisation.
- Worry about the future.
- Tiredness due to lack of sleep.
- Physical problems associated with old age.
- Loss of social support.
- Loss of employment opportunities.
- Reduced leisure activities.
- Reduced financial resources.
Possible answer to: What support could be offered to Mary and her husband by John’s mental health nurse?
The range of support could include:
- Helping to understand how mental health issues have impacted upon John’s behaviour.
- Allowing Mary to discuss her thoughts and feelings.
- Information about carer support services from the public and charity sectors.
- Developing Mary’s coping strategies to help her deal more effectively with the difficulties she faces.
- Examine the possibility of respite care being offered to John.
- A Carer Assessment to assess the needs of Mary and her husband.
- Explore the possibility for family work between Mary and her husband and/or Mary, her husband and John.
- Discuss with Mary future options for John’s care when she and her husband are unable to care for him.