Answer 31.2
Critical debate 31.2
Possible answer to: What do you think is the relationship between mental ill health and poverty?
Those that are the most disadvantaged have 2–2.5 times more risk of having mental health difficulties.
Possible answer to: Does poverty cause mental ill health?
It could be argued that it is not poverty itself but the powerlessness and external locus of control that is felt due to poverty. For example, Amartya Sen said that poverty ‘is the deprivation of opportunity’. Poverty prevents people from flourishing and meeting their full potential.
Possible answer to: Does mental ill health cause poverty?
Some argue that there is a downward social drift of individuals with a diagnosis of schizophrenia to deprived, inner city areas. However, dose-response relationships have been found that suggest that prolonged exposure to harsh urban areas in childhood increases risk of schizophrenia, suggesting more of a cause and effect relationship.
Possible answer to: Clearly one can exist without the other – so what does it all mean?
Poverty is one of many factors associated with increased risk of mental health difficulties. A high level of social support could protect an individual in poverty from associated mental health risks. In contrast, poverty combined with high levels of stress or adverse life events could further increase risk of mental distress.