Answer 31.1

Critical thinking stop point 31.1

Answer to: ‘Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other’s eyes for an instant?’

This chapter argues that the places and the circumstances in which people live their lives have a large impact on how they feel, how they behave and what opportunities and barriers present themselves in the future. It is difficult for us to put ourselves in other people’s shoes, but, as Thoreau pointed out, the impact of doing so can be nothing short of miraculous in terms of changing the world for the better. Below is a challenge aimed at opening your eyes to the inequality that we see in our urban neighbourhoods and communities.

Take a short, 10-minute walk in town. Try to go to a place that you think you would like to live.

Note down the things you notice in particular as you walk – what catches your eye? What are the ‘salient features’ about the place you are walking around?

Ask yourself: Do I feel safe as I walk through this place? (100% = completely safe; 0% = completely unsafe)

When you get back home, ask yourself the following questions and note down your answers:

  • How nice was this place? (100% nice; 0% nice)
  • How rich or poor do I think the people are who live in that place? (100% wealthy; 0% wealthy)
  • How much would I trust the people who live in that place? (100% complete trust; 0% no trust at all)
  • How much would I feel able to ask the people who live in this place for help if I needed it? (100% would be able to ask for help completely; 0% I would not be able to ask for help at all)

Take another short, 10-minute walk in town. Try to go to a place that you think you would not like to live. Again, note down the things you notice in particular as you walk – what catches your eye? What are the ‘salient features’ about the place you are walking around?

Ask yourself: Do I feel safe as I walk through this place? (100% = completely safe; 0% = completely unsafe)

When you get back home, ask yourself the same questions again (as above) and note down your answers.

Finally, compare all your notes from both walks and draw some conclusions about the differences between the places.