Chapter 27: Cognitive behaviour therapies

1. The use of a reward chart where a child is given a sticker for demonstrating good behaviour is an example of ___.

  1.  Positive reinforcement
  2.  Classical conditioning
  3.  Negative reinforcement
  4.  Punishment

Answer: A

2. Beck’s cognitive model of depression includes ___.

  1. Core beliefs
  2. Dysfunctional assumptions
  3. Negative automatic thoughts
  4. All of the above

Answer: D

3. Making sense of assessment information using a cognitive model is called ___.

  1. Cognitive analysis
  2. Behavioural analysis
  3. Cognitive behavioural formulation
  4. Cognitive behavioural analysis

Answer: C

4. Behavioural activation is best described as ___.

  1. A behavioural strategy that is easy to implement
  2. A behavioural strategy that reduces negative reinforcement and increases positive reinforcement
  3. A behavioural strategy that is only used for depression
  4. A behavioural strategy that is best used with adults

Answer: B

5. Which of the following negative automatic thoughts is an example of a catastrophic misinterpretation?

  1. ‘I must have done something wrong!”’
  2. ‘I’m no good, I’ll never get a job!’
  3. ‘I’m having a heart attack!’
  4. ‘He’s an obnoxious man!’

Answer: C

6. Which of the following best describes the role of the therapeutic relationship in CBT?

  1. Necessary and sufficient to bring about therapeutic change
  2. Necessary but not sufficient to bring about therapeutic change
  3. Neither necessary or sufficient to bring about therapeutic change.
  4. Irrelevant to the practice of CBT

Answer: B

7. Graded exposure is best described as ___.

  1. Graded exposure to a feared stimulus until habituation occurs
  2. Gradual exposure to a phobia
  3.  Bringing on an anxiety response
  4. A treatment for anxiety

Answer: A