Chapter 3: Working with other professionals

1. Which of the following is NOT a key component of interprofessional teamwork? 

  1. Systematic relationships
  2. Regular interaction
  3. Combined knowledge
  4. Varied communication 

Answer: C

2. How does humour influence Community Mental Health Teams according to Griffiths (1998)?  

  1. As a mechanism that helped team members support one another in their difficult work with patients who had serious mental health problems
  2. An important and central aspect of community mental health care provision
  3. A useful means of enhancing team bonding and throughout various levels of the health care team 
  4. A communicative method which aids discussion between patients, family members and health care professionals  

Answer: A

3. Which of the following is at the CENTRE of the typology developed by Reeves et al (2010)? 

  1. Networking
  2. Teamwork
  3. Collaboration
  4. Coordination  

Answer: B

4. Patient-centred care represents ___?     

  1. A transition from a holistic economic model to a more individualised one
  2. The growing need to adapt intervention towards the needs of the patient, rather than focus specifically on the illness
  3. The prioritisation of the patient above all else
  4. A removal of the need for distinction between acute and chronic assessment 

Answer: B

5. Which four main domains comprise Reeves et al’s (2010) framework for interprofessional teamwork? 

  1. Relational, Combinational, Processual, Contextual
  2. Relational, Processual, Organisational, Contextual
  3. Relational, Internal, External, Contextual
  4. Relational, Interpersonal, Processual, Contextual

Answer: B

6. Interprofessional collaboration is ___? 

  1. A type of interprofessional work which involves different health and social care professions who regularly come together to solve problems or provide services
  2. Interaction between and amongst health care providers with the direct intention of improving practise
  3. A system by which groups of professionals share and develop ideas surrounding improvement
  4. Discussion and communication between various professionals about their disciplinary identity 

Answer: A

7. Interprofessional education occurs when ___?

  1. Many professionals learn from each other in a focussed classroom setting
  2. Members (or students) of two or more health and/or social care professions engage in learning with, from and about each other to improve collaboration and the delivery of care
  3. A combination of healthcare professionals instruct colleagues about the value of collaborative working
  4.  Members (or students) of similar health and/or social care professions engage in learning with, from and about each other to improve collaboration and the delivery of care  

Answer: B