Chapter 42: Clinical supervision in mental health care

1. Which of the following are ‘models’ for clinical supervision?

  1. Gibbs
  2. Peplau
  3. Procter
  4. Barker

Answer: C

2. Ideally clinical supervision should be ___.

  1. Once a month
  2. Once a week
  3. Whenever you have a problem
  4. Every quarter

Answer: A

3. Edwards et al. (2006) suggested that effective CS lowers levels of ___.

  1. Tiredness
  2. Sickness
  3. Anxiety
  4. Burn-out

Answer: D

4. Which report concentrated attention on the issue of safe and accountable practice in nursing in the wake of the Beverley Allitt case?

  1. The Willis Report
  2. The Clothier Report
  3. The Fallon Inquiry
  4. The Cavendish Report

Answer: B

5. Peer supervision is ___.

  1. Where two practitioners take turns to be the supervisor
  2. Where two or more peers can supervise and learn from each other
  3. When your supervisor is the same grade as you
  4. When supervision is done in groups

Answer: B

6. The restorative function of clinical supervision is when ___.

  1. The aim is to develop skills and knowledge
  2. Clinical supervision provides peer support and stress relief for nurses
  3. The supervisor promotes  professional accountability
  4. The supervision reminds the supervisee of their roles and responsibilities

Answer: B

7. Managerial supervision  is ___.

  1. When your manager supervises you
  2. When your supervision focuses on your caseload and your management of your workload
  3. Supervision for managers
  4. Implemented when you are subject to a complaint

Answer: B