Chapter 1: The context and nature of mental health care in the 21st century

1. What might be damaged by overly coercive services?

Answer: Trust between service users and staff; therapeutic alliances; positive nursing identity; physical and psychological integrity (harm/injury to patients and staff)

2. What are progressive politics?

Answer: Left-wing ideas; opposition to neoliberal thinking; a politics seeking transformational change/a better world 

3. Where has an informed, progressive critique of mental health care emerged from?

Answer: Radical service user and survivor movement; critically minded staf

4. What do nurses need to be better able to challenge neoliberalism and austerity?

Answer: A clearer and stronger sense of who they are, and who they could be

5. Which countries have the starkest inequalities in mental health outcomes?

Answer: Those with the largest gaps in wealth between the richest and poorest in society

6. What does Bauman call the state of utter uncertainty afflicting public services that is so detrimental to both staff and patient experiences and outcomes?

Answer: Liquid modernity

7. What do we call the harm that medical services cause?

Answer: Iatrogenesis