Chapter 15: Phylosophical understanding of mental health

1. According to Szasz, apparent mental illnesses are really _____ of living.

Answer: Problems

2. In his 2009 book, Thomas Szasz called anti-psychiatry ____ squared.

Answer: Quackery

3. Jerome Wakefield identifies disorders with ___ dysfunctions.

Answer: Harmful

4. Bill Fulford argues that illnesses are failures of ordinary.

Answer: Doing

5. Controversially, DSM-5 removed the ___ exclusion.

Answer: Bereavement

6. According to the Oxford philosopher Hare, the value judgments expressed by (or implicit in) value terms are made on the basis of criteria that, in themselves, are ___ in nature.

Answer: Descriptive

7. On a value-laden analysis of illness, there is an anti-psychiatry movement but not an anti-cardiology movement because the values concerning heart function are generally ____.

Answer: Agreed