Chapter 27: Cognitive behaviour therapies

1. What is the type of conditioning developed by Pavlov?

Answer: Classical

2 .‘I feel guilty, so I must have done something wrong’ is an example of_____reasoning.

Answer: Emotional

3. The process of catching and modifying negative automatic thoughts is called _____ restructuring.

Answer: Cognitive

4. A reduction in positive reinforcement is thought to play a role in the maintenance of depression. What is other type of reinforcement that tends to increase when people are depressed?

Answer: Negative

5. The principles of effective graded exposure are that it should be graded, repeated and _____ until habituation takes place.

Answer: Prolonged

6. Behavioural experiments are powerful interventions and promote both intellectual and _____insight.

Answer: Emotional

7. At the end stage of CBT, the identification of helpful CBT strategies, early warning signs and helpful responses is referred to as a _____.

Answer: Therapy blue print