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Gangs in America’s Communities
Second Edition
James C. Howell
Elizabeth Griffiths
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History of Gangs in the United States
Video and Multimedia
SAGE Journal Articles
Myths and Realities of Youth Gangs
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SAGE Journal Articles
Defining Gangs and Gang Members
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SAGE Journal Articles
General Macro-Level Theories and Modern-Day Applications
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SAGE Journal Articles
Gang Involvement as a Developmental Trajectory
Video and Multimedia
SAGE Journal Articles
Girls and Gangs
Video and Multimedia
SAGE Journal Articles
National Gang Problem Trends: 1996 to 2009
Video and Multimedia
SAGE Journal Articles
Urban Gangs and Violence
Video and Multimedia
SAGE Journal Articles
What Works: Gang Prevention
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SAGE Journal Articles
What Works In A Comprehensive Gang Program Approach
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SAGE Journal Articles
Video and Multimedia
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One woman’s story of how struggles assimilating and the need for mutual protection and support led her to gang activity.
A sociological review of conflict theory and its influence on crime.