Chapter 9: Immigration and Acculturation

1. John Berry identified four modes of acculturation. Which of the following statements best describes integration?

  1. Individuals desire contact with the host culture while not necessarily maintaining an identity with their native culture.
  2. Individuals desire a high level of interaction with the host culture while maintaining their identity with their native culture.
  3. Individuals prefer low levels of interaction with the host culture while desiring a close connection with their native culture.
  4. Individuals choose neither to identify with their native culture nor to identify with the host culture.

Answer: B

2. To the extent that a person endeavours to acquire the beliefs of the host cultural group with the ultimate goal of becoming indistinguishable from other members of the host culture, that person has become ______.

  1. marginalized
  2. integrated
  3. isolated
  4. assimilated

Answer: D

3. One type of threat in the integrated threat theory is concerned with people’s feeling of being personally threatened in intergroup interactions because of negative outcomes. Which of the following concepts best describes this type of threat?

  1. realistic threat
  2. symbolic threat
  3. intergroup anxiety
  4. negative stereotypes

Answer: C

4. Which of the following is NOT a predictor of a sojourner’s success in acculturation, as identified by Young Kim?

  1. personality characteristics
  2. educational background
  3. personal experiences
  4. personal hobbies

Answer: D

5. Which of the following is true of bicultural identity integration?

  1. Bicultural individuals combine their two cultures in the same way.
  2. Bicultural identity integration applies to young migrants only.
  3. Bicultural identity integration measures distance versus overlap between two cultural identities.
  4. Bicultural identity integration does not apply to those who see their two culture as incompatible.

Answer: C

6. Which of the following statements best describe a diaspora?

  1. It originated from the Latin root meaning to cultivate.
  2. It refers to scattered colonies of Jews only.
  3. The meaning of diaspora has not shifted over time.
  4. Diasporas are not temporary; they are lasting communities.

Answer: D

7. Which of the following statements best describes culture shock?

  1. the feeling of disorientation that a sojourner experiences particularly at the early stage of arrival in the host country
  2. psychological progresses but not social processes new sojourners experience
  3. the anxiety due to economic demand on the new sojourners
  4. the experience of disorientation when someone returns to his/her home country after extended period of stay in a foreign country

Answer: A

8. Which of the following concepts describes the changes that cultural groups undergo as a result of contact between two cultures?

  1. deculturation
  2. acculturation
  3. socialization
  4. exclusion

Answer: B

9. Ethnic media has an intergroup and intragroup function. Which of the following statement best illustrate this function?

  1. Ethnic TV programs allow ethnic minorities to access media products in their ethnic language.
  2. Ethnic media does not promote ethnic group cohesion through their news stories.
  3. Ethnic media can help ethnic groups to learn about the host culture through their own ethnic language.
  4. Ethnic TV programs allow ethnic minorities to access media products in their ethnic language, and ethnic media can help ethnic groups to learn about the host culture through their own ethnic language.

Answer: D

10. Which of the following statements is an assumption of the integrated model of communication and cross-cultural adaptation?

  1. Cross-cultural adaptation is fundamentally communicative.
  2. Cross-cultural adaptation is not a progressive series of positive and negative experiences.
  3. Cross-cultural adaptation is a smooth, continuous process.
  4. Cross-cultural adaptation is a linear process.

Answer: A