An Integrated Approach

Welcome to the companion website for Global Talent Management: An Integrated Approach by Sonal Minocha and Dean Hristov. Please note that all the materials on this site are especially geared toward maximizing your understanding of the subject covered.

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About the Book

A holistic overview of key global talent management perspectives, which determine the inter-linked nature of individuals as global talent, organisations as hubs for global talent and policies across sectors and industries

This textbook discusses the current organisational approaches to the attraction, development and retention of global talent, and encourages critical reflection of how global talent management is affected by policy, society and the economy. The authors draw on interdisciplinary fields, practical insights from global employers and wide-ranging case studies to help students grasp the complexities of this evolving field. 

Going beyond organisations and their relationship with the emergent disciplines, the book highlights the need to develop the ‘self’ as a global talent, develop competencies and attributes to become future-ready in a fast-paced and highly competitive global labour market.

Key Features:

  • International, cross-disciplinary and cross-industry approach through the use of contemporary cases as illustrative examples
  • Insights for students on how to confidently navigate through a range of cultural, generational and technological disruptions
  • Content closely considers current agendas such as the global talent mismatch, demographic disruptions and the role of global talent in shaping cities, regions, economies and societies