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Introduction to Biopsychology
Fourth Edition
Andrew P. Wickens
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Chapter 1: An introduction to biological psychology, brains and nerve function
The main components of a typical brain neuron
The limbic system
The basal ganglia
The lobes of the cerebral cortex
Chapter 2: The visual system
Projections from the retina to the cerebral hemispheres
The ventral “what” and dorsal “where” streams of visual processing.
Chapter 3: Sensory systems other than vision
The outer, middle and inner ear
The dorsal column medial lemniscus system and anterolateral system
The primary and secondary somatosensory areas
Chapter 4: The control of movement
A simplified scheme showing the main movement areas of the brain
The location of the caudate and putamen
The motor areas of the cortex and cerebellum (Part A)
The motor areas of the cortex and cerebellum (Part B)
Chapter 5: Hunger and eating disorders
The digestive system
The dual-centre set-point model of feeding
Chapter 6: Emotional states
Comparison of sympathetic activity
Structures of the Limbic system
The amygdala projections for coordinating fear responses
Chapter 7: Sleep and circadian rhythms
The effects of brain stem lesioning on sleep
Brain mechanisms of sleep
Chapter 8: Sexual development and behaviour
Hypothalamic-pituitary axis influences on the testes and ovaries
Chapter 9: Learning and memory
How long-term potentiation is examined
The participation of glutamate receptors in LTP
Chapter 10: Language and cognition
Language–related areas of the cortex
The Wernicke-Geschwind model of language
Chapter 11: The biological basis of mental illness
The time-lag from presynaptic uptake blockade to postsynaptic receptor down regulation
The forebrain’s noradrenergic and serotonergic systems
The Carlsson & Lindqvist theory on pharmacological effects
Chapter 12: Drugs and addiction
The medial forebrain bundle
The mesolimbocortical dopamine system
Brain areas involved in wanting and liking
Chapter 13: Degenerative diseases of the nervous system
How cholinesterase inhibitors work
Chapter 14: Genes and behaviour
Crossing true-breeding pea plants with smooth and wrinkled seeds
Organisms are made up of cells each containing identical genes
Transcription (to RNA) and translation (to proteins)
Flashcard Glossary
Chapter 11: The biological basis of mental illness