Welcome to the SAGE edge site for The Psychology of Sex and Gender, Second Edition!

The Psychology of Sex and Gender meets the needs of gender science today, providing students with fresh, contemporary examples, balanced coverage of men and women, and a grounding in psychological science. With a thorough revision to the Second Edition featuring the most up-to-date scholarship and current events from around the world, the dynamic author team of Jennifer K. Bosson, Camille E. Buckner, and Joseph A. Vandello presents both classic and cutting-edge research findings within historical and cross-cultural contexts. Expanded coverage of intersectionality and a greater focus on diversity and inclusion lend more coverage to nonbinary, agender, and gender-noncomforming identities, transgender issues, and cross-cultural and non-US perspectives, providing students a full, vibrant picture of the field of sex and gender. In keeping with the growing scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL), the authors ask students in every chapter to identify and evaluate their own myths and misconceptions, participate in real-world debates on topics at the forefront of the field, and stop to think critically along the way. Students will be talking about this book long after they finish the course, carrying new skills forward into their lives and future careers.

This site features an array of free resources you can access anytime, anywhere.


We gratefully acknowledge Jennifer K. Bosson, Camille E. Buckner and Joseph A. Vandello for writing an excellent text. Special thanks are also due to Hope Cornelis for developing the resources on this site.