
Weblinks to act as supplements in your studies and provide a greater breadth of information.

Click on the following links, which will open in a new window.

  • Edhelper
    Although there are parts of this website that require a subscription, there are a number of free areas with a series of number, shape, colouring, counting and matching activities, attractively presented and really useful for mathematically developing Early Years children.
  • Apples for the Teacher 
    Describes itself as a ‘fun educational website for teachers and kids’. The site links itself to other pages, and has a huge number of downloads and links to puzzles, games and problem-solving activities. Activities range from measurement games and money games to those that help learners to make sense of the principles of number.
  • BBC Learning 
    This site has a range of short online courses for children centred upon developing their proficiency in mathematics. Either whole units or bits can be downloaded. Resources include videos, access to other websites, activities and games.