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Cosner, S. (2011). Supporting the Initiation and Early Development of Evidence-Based Grade-Level Collaboration in Urban Elementary Schools: Key Roles and Strategies of Principals and Literacy Coordinators. Urban Education, July 2011; vol. 46, 4: pp. 786-827.

  1. What components of leadership did the researchers fin in terms of principal’s roles?
  2. What components of leadership did the researchers find for coaches?
  3. Explain the importance of the working relationship between principals and literacy coordinators.


McKenzie, K. and Scheurich, J. (2004) Equity Traps: A Useful Construct for Preparing Principals to Lead Schools That Are Successful With Racially Diverse Students. Educational Administration Quarterly, December 2004; vol. 40, 5: pp. 601-632

  1. The substantial portion of inequity in classrooms is caused by what four factors?
  2. Who is the key to school change in a school building?
  3. To identify and understand barriers to equity is called what? How do the authors define them?


Hill, J. (1985). Curriculum evaluation – practical approaches to dealing with the pitfalls. NASSP Bulletin.  69: 1-6.

  1. Both issue 1 & 2 are related to evaluating too soon.  How do you see these as issues?  Are they still as relevant today as they were in 1985?
  2. What are the most negative impact factors if the evaluators can not find significance difference?
  3. Of the 14 issues addressed, do you believe some are more important than others?  Which ones do you believe are most important and why?  Support your answer with information from the article.


Gallini, J. & Bell, M. (1983). Formulation of a structural equation model for the evaluation of curriculum.  5: 319 EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION AND POLICY ANALYSIS . 5( 3): 319 -326.

  1. Compare and contrast this process model for curriculum evaluation to those described in the book chapter 12.  Utilize a chart to do the comparison of the various models.
  2. What implications do the authors believe this process model provide?
  3. Do you believe this model is as good as the various ones outlined in chapter 12?  Please explain why or why not with specifics about the various models.


Heck, R. (2007). Examing the relationship between teacher quality as an organizational Property of schools and students’ achievement and growth rates. Educational Administration Quarterly. 43 (4): 399-432.

  1. Explain, using support from the article, how collective teacher quality was positively related to school achievement levels in reading and math.
  2. Explain how the strength of the relationship was conditional on school demographic composition.
  3. Explain how the article determined the aspect of collective teacher quality was related to increased student growth rates in math.
  4. Analyze the article to determine how higher teacher quality was associated with reduced gaps in student learning rates associated with social class and race/ethnicity