Further Readings

Further readings list provides a comprehensive set of SAGE Journal Articles that engage with chapter by chapter contents of the book to widen overall understanding of the key topics.

Chapter 26: Leading quality practice

Journal Article 1: Heikka, J., Waniganayake, M. and Hujala, E. (2013). Contextualizing Distributed Leadership Within Early Childhood Education: Current Understandings, Research Evidence and Future Challenges. Educational Management, Administration & Leadership, 41 (1): 30–44.

Explanation: In this paper, the authors draw on previous research to set out a clear rationale for distributed leadership in educational settings by identifying its main features and meanings. The paper also explores some of the challenges to this form of leadership.

Journal Article 2: Hard, L., Press, F. and Gibson, M. (2013). ‘Doing’ Social Justice in Early Childhood: The Potential of Leadership.  Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 14 (4): 324–334.

Explanation: The authors draw on a number of research studies to make a strong case that principles for early childhood education relate strongly to social justice. Although written from an Australian perspective, this has global resonance as the authors make a case that it is transformational leaders who can work towards challenging and redressing inequality and disadvantage.

Journal Article 3: Davis, G. (2014). Graduate leaders in early childhood education and care settings: the practitioner perspective, Management in Education, 28 (4): 156–60.

Explanation: Set in the UK context of the professionalisation of early childhood leadership, the author here draws on her research with graduate leaders in the East of England to explore the impact of professional development on graduate leaders as they face the challenges of an ever-changing policy landscape.