SAGE Journal Articles

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Article 1:

Wexler, H.K., Lurigio, A.J., & Rodriguez, P.F. (2011). Reforming the Criminal Justice System in the United States: Issues and Recommendations. The Prison Journal, 91(3), suppl: pp. 1S-11S.

This article describes a bipartisan approach to criminal justice changes through the National Criminal Justice Commission.  Issues addressed include the alternating emphasis on rehabilitation and punishment, overcrowded prisons, and correctional budgets that have drained money from educational and social programs.

Questions to Consider:

1. What type of advocacy efforts do you think were needed to establish the National Criminal Justice Commission?

2. What were some of the findings of the Commission, and how could advocates use this information for criminal justice system reform?

3. What are some strategies of the Justice Reinvestment Initiative Model?  How does it address the Core Problems from the textbook?


Article 2:

Fader, J.J., Lockwood, B., Schall, V.L., & Stokes, B. (2015). A Promising Approach to Narrowing the School-to-Prison Pipeline: The WISE Arrest Diversion Program. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 13(2), pp. 123-142.

This article evaluates the WISE Arrest Diversion Program by comparing school conduct of participants and school-based arrests, pre-and post-implementation.  The program aims to narrow the school-to-prison pipeline.

Questions to Consider:

1. What micro, mezzo, and macro advocacy strategies may have been utilized in the establishment and implementation of the WISE Arrest Diversion Program?

2. What were some of the outcomes of the WISE Arrest Diversion Program?

3. How could the WISE Arrest Diversion Program serve as a resource to advocates in addressing the Core Problems from the textbook?