SAGE Journal Articles

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Greene M., (2005). Reducing Violence and Aggression in Schools. Trauma Violence Abuse July 2005 6: 236-253

  1. What is considered “school-associated” violence?
  2. Where do the most accurate overall estimates of non-fatal violence among school-aged youth come from?
  3. School homicides are considered a rare occurrence, but what are the most common forms of school-associated, non-fatal violence?
  4. What is the purpose of a peer-led program?


Watkins A. M., Maume M. O., (2011). School Victims and Crime Reporting. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice October 2011 9: 333-351, first published on October 7, 2011 doi:10.1177/1541204011409069

  1. According to the National Crime Victim Survey (NCVS), approximately how much of the incidences of school violence involving youth ages 12-17 are actually reported to police or other officials?
  2. What are some of the possible reasons why school violence goes unreported?
  3. According to the NCVS, who is normally the first non-parental authority to hear about school violence from the victim?
  4. Why might it be considered easier for a victim to report harassment from a stranger not attending the same school than from someone attending the same school as the victim?