Video and Multimedia

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Creating Critical Thinkers Through Media Literacy: Andrea Quijada at TEDxABQED
This video examines how critical thinking can be enhanced through media literacy.

Media Literacy: Mind Versus Mindful: Peter Komendowski at TEDxDesMoines
This video discusses how people are affected by media consumption.

EAVI EN - A Journey to Media Literacy
This video presents the evolution of media literacy.


Jordan's 'Philosopher Prince': Literacy Would Help Fight Fanaticism
This audio explains how literacy can be used in Arab countries to fight fanaticism.

Can Twitter Boost Literacy?
This audio explains how social media can be used to boost literacy rates.

Web Resources

What is Media Literacy?
This document provides a definition of media literacy.

Media Literacy Defined
This document provides narrow and broad definitions of media literacy.