Understanding the Psychology of Diversity
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This site is intended to enhance your use of Understanding the Psychology of Diversity, Third Edition, by B. Evan Blaine and Kimberly J. McClure Brenchley. Please note that all the materials on this site are especially geared toward maximizing your understanding of the material.
The updated Third Edition of this best seller presents a highly readable examination of diversity from a unique psychological perspective to teach students how to understand social and cultural differences in today’s society. By exploring how individuals construct their view of social diversity and how they are defined and influenced by it, author B. Evan Blaine and new coauthor Kimberly J. McClure Brenchley present all that psychology has to offer on this critically important topic. The new edition features chapters on traditional topics such as categorization, stereotypes, sexism, racism, and sexual prejudice, in addition to chapters on nontraditional diversity topics such as weightism, ageism, and social stigma. Integrated throughout the text are applications of these topics to timely social issues.
We gratefully acknowledge B. Evan Blaine and Kimberly J. McClure Brenchley for writing an excellent text and creating the materials on this site.
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