Corwin Consultants

Corwin values the intellectual property rights inherent in the works we publish and produce.  This includes the rights of copyright holders who own content we incorporate into our final product.  Obtaining permission to include third-party content, such as images and figures created by other sources, in our Professional Learning products is important. 

As a Corwin Consultant, you are permitted to customize the presentation slides provided by Corwin, within the limits of the Quality Assurance Guidelines.  Please see your consultant contract for more detail.  If you choose to add content to the presentation, it is crucial that you ensure all necessary permissions are obtained. 

This website is dedicated to providing you with information to make securing permissions as simple as possible.  You will find information on permissions concepts, procedures, forms and templates, as well as answers to commonly asked questions

Please note that the information provided on this site is not intended to be legal advice.  You may wish to consult with your own legal counsel regarding your legal obligations.