Cybercrime and Society
Student Resources
Explore chapter themes further with these carefully selected weblinks.
Including useful websites for students to explore helps students sift through the deluge of information online.
Chapter 1: Cybercrime and the Internet: An Introduction
Internet history timeline: ARPANET to the World Wide Web
Provides a handy timeline the internet’s development, from the 1960s to the present.
Cybercrime: a review of the evidence
Published by the UK Home’s Office, this is a ‘review of the published evidence on the scale and nature of cybercrime, drawing upon data from academic, industry and government sources’.
NIST museum and history program
A website with historical resources for the National Institute of Standards and Technology, including their involvement in computers and networking technologies.
Chapter 2: Researching and Theorizing Cybercrime
American Society of Criminology
Website of the American Society of Criminology, one of the primary disciplinary organizations for criminology in the United States.
British Society of Criminology
Website of the British Society of Criminology, one of the primary disciplinary organizations for criminology in the UK.
Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology
Website of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology, one of the primary disciplinary organizations for criminology in Australia and New Zealand.
European Society of Criminology
Website of the European Society of Criminology, one of the primary disciplinary organizations for continental Europe.
Chapter 3: Hackers, Crackers and Viral Coders
Krebs on security
Website run by Brian Krebs which features regular updates about major security vulnerabilities, attacks, breaches, and other threats.
Schneier on security
Website run by Bruce Schneier, international information security expert. Features blog posts and essays on various security issues.
2600: The Hacker Quarterly
Website for the prominent hacker zine 2600: The Hacker Quarterly, a highlight influential publication within many sectors of the hacker community.
The website of the historically important hacker zine Phrack. For many, this publication is considered highlight influential on what is sometimes known as the hacker underground.
Chapter 4: Political Hacking: From Hacktivism to Cyberterrorism
Cult of the Dead Cow
Website of the Cult of the Dead Cow, a historically significant hacktivist group that has operated since the late 1980s.
Website that archives website defacements and makes them accessible in archival form.
An unprecedented look at Stuxnet, the world’s first digital weapon
An abbreviated version of Kim Zetter’s Countdown to Zero Day, an overview of the creation and implementation of the Stuxnet virus, one of the most notable instances of state-sponsored hacking in recent years.
Chapter 5: Virtual ‘Pirates’: Intellectual Property Theft Online
Website dedicated to sharing news related to online piracy.
World Intellectual Property Organization
Website for the World Intellectual Property Organization, an organization dedicated to promoting intellectual property rights and protections globally.
Website of the Federation Against Copyright Theft, a leading UK-based organization that campaigns for action against ‘piracy’ and counterfeiting.
Chapter 6: Cyber-Frauds, Scams and Cons
Internet Crime Complaint Center
Source for reporting statistics run by the FBI.
Information and reporting resource for fraud in the UK.
Information and reporting resource for fraud in Australia operated by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and the Austalian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network.
Resource on social engineering, including a corresponding podcast.
Chapter 7: Illegal, Harmful and Offensive Content Online: From Hate Speech to ‘the Dangers’ of Pornography
Website dedicated to the reporting of anti-Muslim attacks and hate speech in the UK.
Southern Poverty Law Center
Website of the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization dedicated to combating hate and discrimination.
World Jewish Congress
Website of the World Jewish Congress, an organization dedicated to promoting the interests of the Jewish community. Also publishes news and reports about on- and off-line anti-Semitism.
Chapter 8: Child Pornography and Child Sex Abuse Imagery
Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection
Anti-child pornography organization operated by members of the adult film industry.
International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children
A child protection advocacy group that, among other things, campaigns for increased protections for children against online sexual exploitation.
Organization associated with the United Nations that works to advance protections for children including protections from sexual exploitation.
Chapter 9: The Victimization of Individuals Online: Cyberstalking and Paedophilia
International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children
A child protection advocacy group that, among other things, campaigns for increased protections for children against online sexual exploitation.
Organization associated with the United Nations that works to advance protections for children including protections from sexual exploitation.
End Child Prostitution and Trafficking
A major international organization that combats the sexual exploitation of children.
Chapter 10: Policing the Internet
International Association of Chiefs of Police Law Enforcement Cyber Center
Website dedicated to providing resources for police administrators, officers, and analysts for conducting cybercrime investigations.
National White Collar Crime Center
Website of the National White Collar Crime Center, a U.S. organization dedicated to supporting law enforcement and other regulatory agencies as they combat white collar crimes and certain cybercrimes.
National Cyber Security Centre
Website for the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre which also provides information and resources for cybercrime investigators.
Chapter 11: Cybercrimes and Cyberliberties: Surveillance, Privacy and Crime Control
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Website of the prominent online civil liberties organization, the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
American Civil Liberties Union
Website of the civil liberties organization, the ACLU, which also tackles freedom of speech and privacy.
Access Now
Website of the online civil liberties organization, AccessNow.
Chapter 12: Conclusion: Looking Toward the Future of Cybercrime
What is the Internet of Things?
WIRED magazine’s overview of the Internet of Things and the many ways it is set to impact on everyday life.
A useful website for cross-checking online news and ‘memes’ which may contain factually incorrect information. Snopes is dedicated to countering rumour and myth, including those involved in ‘fake news’.
What we know about Russia’s election hacking
An overview of the events involved in the Russian election hacking from Politico.