Daigle Victimology Suite
Welcome to the Companion Site!
This site is intended to enhance your use of Victimology: A Text/Reader, Second Edition, and Victimology: The Essentials, Second Edition by Leah E. Daigle. The materials on this site are geared toward increasing your effectiveness with this material and maximizing the potential for your students to learn.
Victimology: A Text/Reader, Second Edition
Victimology: A Text/Reader, Second Edition, engages students with the most current, cutting-edge articles published in the field of victimology as well as connects them to the basic concepts. Unlike existing victimology textbooks, this unique combination of published articles with original material presented in a mini-chapter format puts each topic into context so students can develop a better understanding of the extent, causes, and responses to victimization. Students will build a foundation in the history and development of the field of victimology, will be shown the extent to which people are victimized and why, will learn the specific types of victimization, and will witness the interaction between the criminal justice system and victims today. Click here to purchase the book or order a review copy.
Victimology: The Essentials, Second Edition
Victimology: The Essentials, Second Edition is the comprehensive, yet concise core textbook for your course! Drawing from the most up-to-date research, this accessible, student-friendly text provides an overview of the field of Victimology, with an overarching focus on the extent, causes, and responses to victimization. Renowned author and researcher Leah E. Daigle expertly relays the history and development of the field of Victimology, the extent to which and why people are victimized, how the Criminal Justice system and other social services interact with victims and each other, and information about specific types of victimization, including contemporary issues such as stalking, hate crimes, human trafficking, terrorism, and more. Click here to purchase the book or order a review copy.
We gratefully acknowledge Leah E. Daigle for writing an excellent text and for reviewing the assets on this site. Special thanks are also due to Ellen Cohn and Chad Posick for creating the ancillaries on this site.
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