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Welcome to the companion website for Using Basic Statistics in the Behavioral and Social Sciences, 5th Edition, by Annabel Evans. The resources on the site have been specifically designed to support your study.
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- Test Bank
- PowerPoint® Slides
- Instructor’s Manual
- Course Syllabus
About the book:
In this fully updated edition of Using Basic Statistics in the Behavioral and Social Sciences, Annabel Ness Evans presents introductory statistics in a practical, conceptual, and humorous way, reducing the anxiety that many students experience in introductory courses. Avoiding complex notation and derivations, the book focuses on helping readers develop an understanding of the underlying logic of statistics, rather than rote memorization. Focus on Research boxes engage students with realistic applications of statistics, and end-of-chapter exercises ensure student comprehension. This exciting new edition includes a greater number of realistic and engaging global examples within the social and behavioral sciences, making it ideal for use within many departments or in interdisciplinary settings.
We gratefully acknowledge Annabel Ness Evans for writing an excellent text and for her work on the assets on this site. Special thanks are also due to Heather Mauney for her contribution to the ancillaries on this site.
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