Video and Multimedia

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Does Racism Affect How You Vote (09:16)
Blogger Nate Silver discusses the role that race in politics. 

Colin Stokes:  How Movies Teach Manhood (12:53)
Colin Stokes, director of communications for Citizen Schools, discusses how movies shape female and male identities. 

How Economic Inequality Harms Societies (16:54)
Richard Wilkinson, coauthor of the book The Spirit Level, discusses how large income gaps create economic inequality.

Civil Rights In The Classroom (06:46)
Artist Marie Cochran developed an art project depicting the fight for civil rights depicted in America’s schools.

How Schizophrenia Became A “Black Disease” (06:05)
Jonathan M. Metzl, MD, PhD provides a historical assessment of how the mental health community identified a relationship between schizophrenia and racism.