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An Introduction to Qualitative Research
Sixth Edition
Uwe Flick
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Checklist: Selecting a Method of Qualitative Data Analysis
Research question
Can the method of interpretation and its application address the essential aspects of the research question?
Interpretative procedure
Has the method been applied according to the methodological precautions and targets?
Has jumping between forms of interpretation been avoided, except when this is based on the research question or theoretically?
Are the interpreters able to apply the type of interpretation?
What is the effect of their personal fears and uncertainties in the situation?
Is the form of interpretation appropriate to the text or texts?
How is their structure, clarity, complexity, and so on taken into account?
Form of data collection
Does the form of interpretation fit the collected material and the method of data collection?
Scope for the case
Does the framework of the interpretation allow room for the case and its specificity?
How clearly can the distinctive features of the text emerge, using this framework of interpretation?
Process of the interpretation
Have the interpreters applied the form of interpretation correctly?
Have they left enough scope for the material?
Have they managed their roles successfully? (Why not?)
Was the way of handling the text clearly defined? (Why not?)
Analyse any inconsistencies in order to validate the interpretation(s) between the first and second case if possible.
Aim of the interpretation
Are you looking for delimited and clear answers in their frequency and distribution, or for complex, multifold patterns or contexts?
Or do you want to develop a theory or distribution of viewpoints in social groups?
Claim for generalization
On what level do you wish to make statements:
For the single cases (the interviewed individuals and their biographies, an institution, its impact, etc.)?
Referring to groups (about a profession, a type of institution, etc.)?
General statements?
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