Holt-Jensen: Geography, 5e

Geography: History and Concepts, 5th Edition is supported by a selection of articles from Progress in Human Geography and Progress in Physical Geography journals. The selection is focused on current progress in the discipline, and is conceptually linked to ideas and projects introduced in the book which will enable students to follow up on the themes, topics and research examples introduced in each chapter. In the last three chapters of the book, the articles are divided further by subchapter, as many articles touch directly on many of the research projects presented in the explanatory ‘boxes’.

Chapter 8: Alternatives to Spatial Science

Multi-paradigmatic development:

Bird, James (1979) Methodology and philosophy, progress report, Progress in Human Geography, 3(3): 117‒120.

Smith, Neil (1979) Geography, science and post-positivist modes of explanation, Progress in Human Geography, 3(3): 356‒383.
This article also addresses phenomenological and Marxist geographies

Humanistic approaches:

Simonsen, Kirsten (2013) In the quest of a new humanism: Embodiment, experience and phenomenology as critical geography, Progress in Human Geography, 37(1): 10‒26.

Ash, James & Simpson, Paul (2016) Geography and post-phenomenology, Progress in Human Geography, 40(1): 48‒66.

Behavioural and welfare geography:

Donovan, Amy (2017) Geopower: Reflections on the critical geography of disasters, Progress in Human Geography, 41(1): 44‒67.
This article relates to natural hazards research within behavioural geography

Derickson, Kate Driscoll (2017) Urban geography II: Urban geography in the Age of Ferguson, Progress in Human Geography, 41(2): 230‒244.
This article relates to the ‘geography of social exclusion’

Structuralism – Marxist geographies:

Swyngedouw, Erik, Castree, Noel & Smith, Neil (2000) Classics in human geography revisited: Smith, N. (1984) Uneven Development, Nature, Capital and the Production of Space. Oxford, Blackwell, Progress in Human Geography, 24(2): 266‒274.

Huber, Matt (2018) Resource geographies I: Valuing nature (or not), Progress in Human Geography, 42(1): 148‒159.
This article relates to structuralism, Marxism and value theory

Chapter 9: Post-structuralism and Beyond

Structuration theory and critical realism:

Roberts, John Michael (2001) Realistic spatial abstraction? Marxist observations of a claim within critical realist geography, Progress in Human Geography, 25(4): 545‒567.

Yeung, Henry Wai-chung (1997) Critical realism and realist research in human geography: a method or a philosophy in search of a method?, Progress in Human Geography, 21(1): 51‒74.

Post-industrialism, post-structuralism and post-modernism:

Jones, Andrew (1999) Dialectics and difference: against Harvey’s dialectical ‘post-Marxism’, Progress in Human Geography, 23(4): 529‒555.
A critique of Harvey, followed in the same issue by a response from Harvey pp. 557‒566; this also relates well to ‘post-structuralism’ in pp.161‒162

Glassman, Jim (2011) Critical geography III: Critical development geography, Progress in Human Geography, 35(5): 705‒711.

Rose, Gillian (2016) Rethinking the geographies of cultural ‘objects’ through digital technologies: Interface, network and friction, Progress in Human Geography, 40(3): 334‒351.
This article relates to ‘new cultural geography’ and the post-modern city, considering the impact of new digital technologies in the last 30 years

Gender and feminist geography:

Silvey, Rachel (2004) Power, difference and mobility: feminist advances in migration studies, Progress in Human Geography, 28(4): 490‒506.

Wright, Melissa W. (2010) Gender and geography II: bridging the gap – feminist, queer, and the geographical imaginary, Progress in Human Geography, 34(1): 56‒66.

Johnston, Lynda (2016) Gender and sexuality I: Genderqueer geographies?, Progress in Human Geography, 40(5): 668‒678.

Chapter 10: Geographical Tasks in a Globalizing World

The missing histories of geography:

Jazeel, Tariq (2016) Between area and discipline: Progress, knowledge production and the geographies of Geography, Progress in Human Geography, 40 (5): 649‒667.
A discussion of the dominating EuroAmericanism in geographical research, which relates very well to the first subchapters in Chapter 10

Bassin, Mark (1997) History and philosophy of geography, Progress in Human Geography, 21(4): 563‒572.
Present Russian and other national histories of geography

Critical geopolitics and the revival of political geography:

Dittmer, Jason (2014) Geopolitical assemblages and complexity, Progress in Human Geography, 38(3): 385‒401.

Newman, David & Paasi, Anssi (1998) Fences and neighbours in the postmodern world: boundary narratives in political geography, Progress in Human Geography, 22(2): 186‒207.
Refer to pp.184‒185 in the book

Francis, Robert (2014) On war (and geography): Engaging with an environmental frontier, Progress in Physical Geography, 38(3): 265‒270.

Merriman, Peter & Jones, Rhys (2017) Nations, materialities and affects, Progress in Human Geography, 41(5): 600‒617.
A good example of national identity effects


Sidaway, James D. (2000) Postcolonial geographies: an exploratory essay, Progress in Human Geography, 24(4): 591‒612.

Bonds, Anne & Inwood, Joshua (2016) Beyond white privilege: Geographies of white supremacy and settler colonialism, Progress in Human Geography, 40(6): 715‒733.
This article refers to internal colonialism

Reuveny, Rafael & Barbieri, Katherine (2014) On the effect of natural resources on interstate war, Progress in Physical Geography, 38(6): 786‒806.

New cultural geography and non-representational theory:

Lorimer, Hayden (2005) Cultural geography: the busyness of being ‘more-than-representational’, Progress in Human Geography, 29(1): 83‒94.

Gallagher, Michael, Kanngieser, Anja & Prior, Jonathan (2017) Listening geographies: Landscape, affect and geotechnologies, Progress in Human Geography, 41(5): 618‒637.

The rediscovery of nature: actor-network theory and hybridity:

Wainwright, Steven P. (2012) Science studies in physical geography: An idea whose time has come?, Progress in Physical Geography, 34(1): 79‒87.

Murdoch, Jonathan (1997) Towards a geography of heterogeneous associations, Progress in Human Geography, 21(3): 321‒337.
Actor-network theory set in relation to structuration theory and dominating dualisms in geography

Lave, Rebecca (2015) Exploring the proper relation between physical and human geography: Early work by John E. Thornes and Ron Johnston, Progress in Physical Geography, 39(5): 687‒690.

Researching man and nature sustainability:

Shutler, Jamie D. et al (2016) Progress in satellite remote sensing for studying physical processes at the ocean surface and its borders with the atmosphere and sea ice, Progress in Physical Geography, 40(2): 215‒246.
Further explanations and illustrations of the issue presented in Box 10.1

Hulme, Mike (2014) Attributing weather extremes to ‘climate change’: A review, Progress in Physical Geography, 38(4): 499‒511.

Calvert, Kirby (2016) From ‘energy geography’ to ‘energy geographies’: Perspectives on a fertile academic borderland, Progress in Human Geography, 40(1): 105‒125.
A good overview of the multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary approaches and tasks in energy geographies, related in particular to Box 10.4 in the book

Neo-liberalism and geography of poverty and affluence:

Birkenholtz, Trevor (2012) Network political ecology: Method and theory in climate change vulnerability and adaptation research, Progress in Human Geography, 36(3): 295‒315.
A good presentation of ‘double exposure’ and vulnerability with a research example from India

Elwood, Sarah, Lawson, Victoria & Sheppard, Eric (2017) Geographical relational poverty studies, Progress in Human Geography, 41(6): 745‒765.

Lens, Michael C. (2017) Measuring the geography of opportunity, Progress in Human Geography, 41(1): 3‒25.
This article relates to spatial analysis of geographical segregation (Box 10.6)

Time-space compression and the changing relations between place, space and scale; assemblage theory:

Christophers, Brett (2014) The territorial fix: Price, power and profit in the geographies of markets, Progress in Human Geography, 38(6): 754‒770.
Prize winning paper on global market economies

Haarstad, Håvard & Wanvik, Tarje I. (2017) Carbonscapes and beyond: Conceptualizing the instability of oil landscapes, Progress in Human Geography, 41(4): 432‒450.
Assemblage theory well illustrated with examples

Changing worlds, changing tools: Satellite photos and GIS:

Ash, James, Kitchin, Rob & Leszczynski, Agnieszka (2018) Digital turn, digital geographies?, Progress in Human Geography, 42(1): 25‒43.

Miller, Harvey J. (2017) Geographic information science I: Geographic information observatories and opportunistic GIScience, Progress in Human Geography, 41(4): 489‒500.

Future geographies:

Hobson, Kersty (2016) Closing the loop or squaring the circle? Locating generative spaces for the circular economy, Progress in Human Geography, 40(1): 66‒104.

Powell, Richard C. (2015) History and philosophy of geography II: The future history of geographical propaedeutic, Progress in Human Geography, 39(4): 486‒496.