SAGE Journal Articles

Here you will find a selection of free SAGE journal articles that support each chapter to help deepen your knowledge and reinforce your learning of key topics. An ideal place to start for literature reviews/dissertations/ assignments. Preceding each article is an annotation from the book’s author, Neil Gopee, introducing its relevance for practice and or revision.

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Chapter 1: Effective Supervision of Practice Learning and Supervision

1. For research showing ‘association’ between positive attitude of ‘field instructors’ (practice supervisors) towards students and more effective supervisory relationship: 

2. For a review of research on coaching by action learning (AL) compared to other types of coaching to help facilitate learning, and how AL coaching can be most effectively practiced: 

3. For an argument on the benefits of matching practice supervisors/mentors and students based on similarity in personality traits for more effective learning:

Chapter 2: How Learners Learn

1. Research that found that learning contracts enhance competencies for self-directed learning and achievement of competencies:

2. Social media is a popular and growing platform on which health-related information is routinely shared (e.g. Twitter, Facebook) and yet, only a small percentage of such media is being used to improve patient care, specifically in relation to safe medication administration. To counteract medication safety issues such as medication nonadherence and ‘adverse drug events’ (ADEs), ways in which deep-learning techniques can be actioned:

3. Influences on team learning processes, conditions, and outcomes create unique and diverse challenges that in turn require mindful and creative approaches to facilitating team learning:

Chapter 3: Facilitating Learning

Chapter 4: Healthcare Settings as Effective Learning Environments

1. Research on the role of the work-based learning (WBL) supervisor shows that supervisors seek to balance the goal-directed demands of managing a productive workplace with their commitment to teaching:

2. Antecedents to learning processes among individuals, teams, and organisations as a whole that are based on a synthesis of organisational learning and goal achievement theories by considering cognitive learning processes across different levels in organisations:

3. With regards to principles of coaching, to foster athletes’ continuing learning, a motivational climate can be usefully developed through the coaching process itself. A synthesis of research concerning the motivational climate fostered by coaches reveal the importance of emphasis on competence, on understanding, support, and care for athletes as people, which can also foster athletes’ sense of autonomy:

Chapter 5: Practice Supervisors’ Leadership through Evidence-Based Practice and Practice Development 

1. Discussing the history and importance of evidence-based practice, along with description of the process and impact of six nurse-led EBP projects in the field of paediatric oncology:

2. Evidence-based practice (EBP) requires that clinicians be guided by the best available evidence. Addressing the impact of science on psychotherapy in mental health care, and key principles of evidence-based intervention:

3. Updates on practice development in:

4. For an analysis of ways in which supervisors in organisations act as leaders, by supervisors being immersed into the daily work practices: 

5. For evidence of the ways in which occupational therapy (OT) practitioners address the mental health needs of clients post stroke, as well as barriers that include limited time, increase productivity standards, expectations related to physical recovery, and poor educational preparation. Practitioners are motivated to improve their provision of mental health services (innovation) to clients post stroke, in:

6. For research on leadership in learning through reflective practice:

Chapter 6: Assessing the Learner’s Practice Competence and Knowledge Base

1. Within UK clinical psychology training has traditionally used methods for assessing the development of trainees’ clinical competence through assessing trainees’ knowledge regarding their clinical practice either in the form of written assignments or via discussion in the supervisory relationship. Whilst direct observation of trainees is expected and required by supervisors on practice placements, frequency of observation varies, and supervisors can experience difficulties occupying both supervisory and assessment roles. There has been calls from within the clinical psychology training community for consistent and formalised in vivo assessment of trainees’ clinical competency:

2. Research comparing practice supervisor ratings and student/supervisee self-ratings of counselling competencies in:

3. Review of the literature to identify approaches for assessing knowledge, perceptions and attitudes to effective pain management among nursing and medical students:

4. For exploration of student assessment in the context of teaching effectiveness:

Chapter 7: Managing Student Assessment, Associated Challenges and Accountability

1. Conducting assessments is an activity in the overall armoury of academic professionalism, and therefore a key role of the academic educator. Improved assessment practice needs to draw upon a wider range of types of knowledge, with an institutional environment which encourages collegiality and communication that is embedded within its codes, the values of equity, integrity and justice:

2. In the UK, a series of high-profile healthcare ‘scandals’ and subsequent inquiries repeatedly point to the pivotal role culture plays in producing and sustaining healthcare failures. The article seeks to make culture visible and accountable in the context of the role of professional ideology, as well as a collective cultural responsibility.

3. For research on how learners process feedback given to them within classroom and skills laboratory settings, including the timing of feedback, use of formative feedback, corrective feedback, etc.:

4. To enable students to develop their employability skills and attributes, student assessment is adapted to encourage deep learning in:

Chapter 8: Supervision and Assessment of Allied Health Professions and Midwifery Students

1. Research on learning styles in different allied health professions suggesting significant learning-style differences for learning in a pair or team, in intake, mobility, early-morning and afternoon, and auditory preferences:

2. Research into the experience of inter-professional collaboration from the perspective of nursing and medical students suggests that the experience of inter-professional collaboration within learning events is influenced by shared interests among students, the formation of new relationships and acquisition of new knowledge about roles during clinical placements:

3. Inpatient day-to-day care, patient function, discharge and discharge planning, impact of busy workloads, format and structure of allied health documentation and a holistic approach to patient care are all dependent upon the effective transfer of clinical information across multiple professions, but one obstacle to successful information transfer may be the reader’s perception of the information, which is framed in a particular professional context, rather than the information per se:

4. The delivery of high-quality and safe healthcare services requires collaboration, where a multidisciplinary team works in a collaborative and integrated manner to achieve optimal health outcomes. Many healthcare educators struggle to measure specific clinical outcomes of inter-professional learning activities, but inter-professional assessment presents as a challenging component in inter-professional education: 

Chapter 9: Evaluating Practice Supervision, and Continuing Professional Development for Supervisors and Assessors

1. For more elaboration on evaluation related to organisational learning:

2. Continuing professional development is important for both individual and service development, and staff appraisal is central to the identification of training needs. Research suggests that the purpose of appraisal is often misunderstood, and where no clear link exists between appraisal and access to development opportunities, staff view appraisal with antipathy, and therefore needs to be redressed:

3. For further perspectives on learning and professional development: