Journal Articles

Moorthy, J., Lahiri, R., Biswas, N., Sanyal, D., Ranjan, J., Nanath, K. and Ghosh, P. (2015) ‘Big data: prospects and challenges’, Vikalpa, 40(1): 74–96.

The article discusses the advantages, prospects, challenges and disadvantages of Big Data. The main characteristics of Big Data (3Vs) are expanded (10Vs) and discussed along with the relevant technologies.

Zeng, J. and Glaister, K.W. (2018) ‘Value creation from big data: Looking inside the black box’, Strategic Organization, 16(2): 105–140.

The article provides information on how organisations use and benefit from Big Data. The value creation from Big Data is explained from the academic perspective. Interesting quotes from experts provide valuable and practical information about the topic.