Crime and the Surveillance Culture


Christopher Soghoian: Government surveillance — this is just the beginning

10 scary surveillance technologies

State of surveillance 

Online Resources

Surveillance and identity


Surveillance and security

Books and Journals 

Coleman, R. (2005) Surveillance in the city: Primary definition and urban spatial order, Crime Media Culture, 1 (2), 131-148

Norris, C & McCahill, M. (2006) CCTV: Beyond Penal Modernism, British Journal of Criminology, 46,  97-118

Kroener, I. (2013) Caught on Camera': The Media Representation of Video Surveillance in Relation to the 2005 London Underground Bombings. Surveillance and Society, 11 (1/2), 121-133

Goold, B., Loader, I. & Thumala, A. (2013) The Banality of Security: The Curious Case of Surveillance Cameras. British Journal of Criminology, 53 (6) 977-996

Wall, T. & Linnemann, T. (2014) Staring Down the State: Police Power, Visual Economies, and the ''War on Cameras". Crime, Media, Culture,  10 (2), 133-149