
Weblinks to act as supplements in your studies and provide a greater breadth of information.

Click on the following links, which will open in a new window.

Department of Health

Has details about research funded by the Department of Health and any invitations to tender for new projects under their R&D pages

Medical Research Council (MRC)

Includes opportunities for projects funded by the Medical Research Council

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)

For details of published clinical guidelines and those in progress, and how to develop guidelines

National Institute for Health Research Central Commissioning Facility

Gives guidance on the aims and scope for applications to the Research for Patient Benefit programme

RD Info

For guidance on how to start a research project, including a flow chart that guides the reader through turning an idea into a research question

Health Services and Delivery Research (HS&DR) Programme

Has details of research about the NHS Service Delivery and Organisation research programme. Also available is a checklist for researchers who are preparing proposals, with a section on research questions and research objectives