
If you find errors in the book, please let us know. We’ll post any corrections here. 

Chapter 2: Multivariate Statistics Issues and Assumptions

p. 14   Should read install.packages(“normwhn.test”) 

p. 14   Should read normality.test1(attitude)  

p. 22   Should read data(newdata) 

p. 22   Should read boxM(newdata[,-8],newdata[,8])

NOTE: please use the updated R script file on the Chapter 2 page, which has been corrected for these errors.

Chapter 3: Hotelling's T2: A Two-Group Multivariate Analysis

p. 39: Syntax for Step 4 should include a "c" (bolded in red below): 

> install.packages("gplots")

> library(gplots)

> group = data.frame(grp)

> Yall= data.frame(group,Y)

> par(mfrow = c(2, 1))

> plotmeans(effect ~ grp,data=Yall,ylim=c(0,10),xlab="Groups",

+   legends=c("Rogerian","Adlerian"),main ="Counseling

+   Effectiveness",connect=FALSE,mean.labels=TRUE,col=NULL,p=1.0)

> plotmeans(satis ~ grp,data=Yall,ylim=c(0,10),xlab="Groups",

+  legends=c("Rogerian","Adlerian"),main ="Counseling  

+ Satisfaction",connect=FALSE,mean.labels=TRUE,col=NULL,p=1.0)

p. 46: "P (3) = 3/36 = 1/12 ....., which has a probability of .0833" should be:  "P (3) = 2/36 = 1/18 ....., which has a probability of .055."

The probabilities included in the Chap3c.r program code are wrong: "Probs = c(.0556,.0833,.1111,.1389,.1667,.1667,.1389,.1111,.0833,.0556,.0278)" should be: "Probs = c(.0278,.0556,.0833,.1111,.1389,.1667,.1389,.1111,.0833,.0556,.0278)"

Chapter 4: Multivariate Analysis of Variance

p. 63: The second row of Table 4.1 should be labeled ach2


Chapter 6: Multivariate Repeated Measures 

p. 103:  Add script line to print data set

> student

 p. 105  The "ml" should be capitalized, "ML"  (R script program file is correct)

> out = lme(value ~ variable,data = myfile, method="ML",random = ~1 | names)

Chapter 10: Principal Components Analysis

p. 211

> S


      [,1]  [,2]  [,3]  [,4]  [,5]

[1,] 44.23 22.42 31.23 32.54 19.22

[2,] 22.42 55.13 22.55 25.56 23.15

[3,] 31.23 22.55 61.21 29.42 27.35

[4,] 32.54 25.56 29.42 57.42 33.34

[5,] 19.22 23.15 27.35 33.34 72.36 


The S matrix represents the 5 personality measures for n = 144 sophomores.  The variances are given as 44.23, 55.13, 61.21, 57.42, and 33.34.

The value 33.34 is incorrect; should be 72.36 from diagonal value in matrix above.

Chapter 12: Structural Equation Modeling 

p. 312 should be