Review Questions

  1. What is the definition of a team? A virtual team?
  2. What challenges do virtual teams face versus face-to-face teams?
  3. What are the competitive advantages of team-based organizations?
  4. What are the outcomes of effective teams?
  5. What does the term “heterarchy” refer to?
  6. What are the “critical capabilities” of teams?
  7. What is distributed leadership and why has it garnered scholars’ attention?
  8. According to Hill, what is the leader’s job in managing a team?
  9. Explain the skills leaders must have to meet diverse team needs.
  10. Explain how leaders should decide on the best timing of a leadership intervention.
  11. Explain the six enabling conditions for team effectiveness identified by Hackman (2012) and compare these to the eight characteristics identified by Larson and LaFasto (1989).
  12. Describe the qualities needed to be a competent team member.
  13. Explain the factors needed for a collaborative climate and for effective group norms.
  14. Explain the four sets of processes influencing the team’s effectiveness.
  15. Explain the skills or behaviors needed for (a) internal task, (b) internal relational, and (c) external team leadership functions.
  16. Explain how a team leader could use the Team Leadership Model to make decisions and take actions.
  17. How do the four stages of team development (forming, storming, norming, and performing) affect leadership expectations?
  18. What are strengths of team leadership theory?
  19. What are criticisms of team leadership theory?