Multimedia Resources

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Video 1: Sampling: Simple Random, Convenience, Systematic, Cluster, Stratified

Description: This video describes five common methods of sampling in data collection. Each has a helpful diagrammatic representation

Video 2: Simple Learning Pro

Description: This is the YouTube channel that has a variety of videos designed to address a number of sampling issues

Video 3: Sampling Methods

Description: This is a lecture series that deals with sampling methods


Audio 1: Methodology Minutes Podcasts

Description: A podcast series produced by The Methodology Center providing information on the Center’s methods, applications, and events

Audio 2: Research Methodology – Episode 4 Sampling

Description: Research method is one of the courses offered by the OUM Business School at Open University Malaysia. This course is offered to undergraduate students who need to understand research methodology

Audio 3: Psychology 250 Research Methods and Design

Description: This podcast includes 45 different episodes that address all aspects of research methods