Annotated Resources

Annotated Further Reading

  • A collection of essays edited by Jennifer Brown (The Future of Policing, 2013, Routledge) provides an excellent overview of contemporary challenges and debates, and includes perspectives from around the world.

  • Issues relating to the potential for scientific and evidence-based criminology are debated in a series of articles published in Volume 9 of Criminology and Criminal Justice. In his article in that journal Sherman makes a case for evidence-based criminology, which is critiqued in articles by Hope and Tilley.

  • The coalition government’s proposals for police reform were largely set out in the paper Policing in the 21st Century: Reconnecting Police and People. That paper and a host of related material are available via the site.

Annotated Websites

Annotated Journal Articles

  • A special edition of Criminology and Criminal Justice examined the impact of financial austerity on contemporary policing and the articles below develop many of the debates explored in this chapter: Millie, A. (2013) ‘The Policing Task and the Expansion (and Contraction) of British Policing’, Criminology and Criminal Justice, 13: 143–60. Reiner, R. (2013) ‘Who Governs? Democracy, Plutocracy, Science and Prophecy in Policing’, Criminology and Criminal Justice, 13: 161–80. Hough, M. (2013) ‘Procedural Justice and Professional Policing in Times of Austerity’, Criminology and Criminal Justice, 13: 181–97.

  • The consequences of insecurity in the urban environment generate demands on policing, and the context of these trends is outlined in: Sparks, R., Girling, E. and Loader, I. (2001) ‘Fear and Everyday Urban Lives’, Urban Studies 38(5–6): 885–98.